Planning ahead

We work with you to setup a viable contingency plan so that you will have peace of mind after your passing

Goals and objectives

To ensure that your wishes are accurately fulfilled and are completed to your specifications, we invite you to state In your own words, your vision of what should happen next.

Whether it is a full handover of your digital assets, accounts and devices or perhaps an order to close and dispose of digital accounts, we will work with you to ensure that your needs are outlined.

if you don't get it right the first time, don't worry! You can modify the vision and goal as frequently as you would like.

Checklist and Inventory

Our services include helping your create a detailed checklist of what you need done. The items on the checklist will be carried out according to your plan and this document can be editable at any time. In fact, we will check up on your regularly (at your discretion) to ensure that the list is still current and remains relevant.

Examples of checklist items could be:

  • Transferring of a laptop credentials to your spouse

  • Reconfiguring digital devices to work for your next of kin

  • Working with your next of kin to make changes to online accounts (emails, utilities, etc).

  • Getting rid of obsolete or redundant hardware or storage media

  • Discreet disposal of data or storage media (virtual or physical)

  • Removal of digital footprints, cookies, browser history

Security, authorisation and legal matters

Security and discretion is our utmost priority. Everything discussed and documented will sit on a private online cloud-hosted area and you will have sole access to it.

Throughout our conversation we will also discuss handling of access credentials, passwords and any legal matters. We can work with your lawyer or trust to implement our services as part of your will.

Anything we discuss will remain strictly confidential. If requested, we will not even discuss some aspects of your list with your next of kin.

Regular monitoring and check-ups

After our agreement is in place, we will periodically check up on you (typically by email) to see if your situation changes or if amendments need to be made. Any and all changes are Included in our one-off fee and we will never ask you for more.

Due to the high sensitivity of these agreements, our contact will remain very subtle. We will never call you unless instructed otherwise and we will never solicit you for additional sales nor sell your details to third parties.

Carrying out the checklist

In the event of your passing or through notification from your lawyer, we will execute your plan and get in contact with your nominated next of kin to carry out the checklist items. We can do this in person, by phone, or even virtually. Our services are guaranteed and will not conclude until all items are complete.

If we are visiting your next of kin in person, we will contact them and arrange a suitable time and day for a visit. Our staff will provide identification and your previously recorded authorisation.

Similarly if we are carrying out the work virtually, then we will also contact your next of kin (by phone) and work with them to ensure your checklist is carried out.